Frequently asked questions
Old building

Are you affiliated with any financial services companies?

As a brokerage, we do not work for any company. In fact, as a Certified Financial Planner ® we have flexibility to work with most financial services companies across Canada by offering you products from many companies across Canada. As a result, we will only recommend products and services that fit your needs and goals—not because we are restricted in any way, but because they are the best for you. In fact, as a Certified Financial Planner we have an obligation to do just that, or we risk losing our designation.

Wllet with money

Do I pay fees on my investments if I work with you?

Just like every other advisor, if you choose to have us fully implement your financial plan, we are paid via embedded commissions on an annual basis. As Certified Financial Planners®, though, we have a professional obligation set out in our governing body that is akin to a fiduciary duty: we must put your needs ahead of our own. If we do not do that, we risk losing our designation. Considering that has taken years of grueling work to attain, we take adhering to our professional code very seriously.

What if I don't have actual goals figured out yet?

Do I need to be well-versed in personal finance and investments to work with you?

Not at all. You're an expert in your field, you're not supposed to be an expert in mine! So don't worry if you don't feel you know enough about wealth management. As your financial planner, we will educate and help you every step of the way—and give you a greater sense of control over your finances. If you decide to work with us in a comprehensive financial planning capacity, you will receive a robust planning document. You are free to implement this plan in any way you see fit — that includes having us implement it for you!

Paper showing graphs

Do I need to have a certain portfolio value to work with you?

To have a full portfolio analysis, recommendations made, and plan created? No. To implement your plan together where you get the benefit of working with us on an annual basis, it is recommended that you have at least $100,000 in current investments.


What makes you different than other financial planners?

What sets us apart from other financial planners is our elite designation and our PULSE process—more specifically, the customized step-by-step financial plan we develop for each client. You may be surprised, but most financial advisors don't develop plans for their clients; instead, they prefer to figure out solutions for clients over time, rather than from the very beginning.

The other major difference between us and other financial planners is our values-first mandate. We believe that financial planning is not about accumulating wealth for the purpose of accumulating wealth. Financial planning is ultimately about making the most informed decisions which means making decisions that align with your values. For example: perhaps our analysis shows that you should continue to rent a cottage each summer instead of purchasing one. The numbers may show that such a decision is better for your bottom line but you and your partner want to own a cottage, because it is important to you. Through the PULSE process, we will discover the underlying motivation for this goal, and adjust your plan to reflect that.

Because we believe that true financial freedom is the ability to make decisions because they align with your values, not just your balance sheet.

Person thinking over a computer

I don't need a financial plan, but I'd like an analysis of or second opinion on my investments/insurance coverage/retirement plan/mortgage decision – is that something you offer?

Yes! We offer strategic sessions dedicated to addressing one or two defined goals or questions. Whether you are already working with a financial advisor and want a second opinion or manage your own finances and want a professional analysis, these strategic sessions can give you peace of mind. Book a quick call and we can determine how best to get the answers you are looking for.

Group handshake

I already have a financial advisor – can I still work with you?

Yes! We can analyze your current plan to give you a second opinion, crunch numbers on specific questions or goals you have, and more. Book a quick call with us and we can discuss how we can fit into your financial team.

Calendar plan

Can you provide me with a clear plan on how, when, and what to withdraw during retirement to maximize my income?

Definitely! A retirement strategy session can provide exactly those answers for you. Book a quick call and we can determine the most effective way to get you those answers.

Credit and debt calculations

Can you tell me whether I should pre-pay my mortgage or invest my money?

This is exactly the kind of question we can address during a one-time strategic session. You don't need to work with us long-term to get an analysis of your question!

Pie chart

Can you tell me whether I am over or under-insured, or if I have the right type of coverage?

Yes! During a strategic session, we can evaluate your current coverage and give you a clearly defined overview of where you may have coverage gaps, where you are overpaying, and what other unique options might be available to you to accomplish your goals.

Can you help me leave a legacy for my children?

Can you help me leave a legacy for my children?

Yes. In fact, many of our clients are adamant about ensuring that their children (and future generations) are cared for financially. Book a quick call to find out how we can help you accomplish your estate planning goals.

Can you help me pay less in tax to the government?

Can you help me pay less in tax to the government?

Absolutely. Using our PULSE process, we can get to the heart of the issue—and find effective, sustainable ways to keep more money in your pocket with a strategic financial plan.

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